
This site can be a valuable tool to guide you through this semester, so feel free to check it as often as you'd like! 

Here are some helpful tips to help you navigate this website:

  • See the entire schedule, week-by-week (including the bellwork), in the "Agenda" tab.
  • Use the "Assignment List" tab to figure out details of assignments such as requirements, due dates, points possible, etc. 
  • Use the "Contact Me" form to voice any questions or concerns you may have...I'm here to help YOU!
As always, you're welcome to come in and ask questions at any time. 

PLEASE NOTE: It is to your advantage if you wait to do the work until after we have discussed it in class. If you come online and do all the work before we do it in class, you risk these four things:
1) Getting a large portion of the answers wron
g. I may say things in class that I forgot to say in the online notes. Furthermore, sometimes, being able to hear the lecture makes it lot easier to understand than just reading it. So you might do twice as well on the assignment if you listen to the lecture first!
2) Doing work you don't have to do.  If I notice everyone is struggling with the same thing, I may re-teach in the middle of class, decide you should cross that number/question out and not do it, or flat-out give you the answer. If I am grading a paper that has been done before the lecture, those questions may be wrong, and will be counted as such in the grade book!
3) Lesson plans are subject to change. Sometimes, I may notice that a lesson plan went slower or faster than I intended it to. If that happens, I have to adjust my lesson plans accordingly. Sometimes that results in me completely throwing a lesson out, and not even using it! So you would've done that work for nothing!
4) Being bored in class. If you have completed all work for the week extremely early, you will have nothing to do during class. This does not mean that you will be allowed to roam freely, socialize, or sleep. This means you would read the entire hour, and if you cannot keep quiet that way, I will be forced to give you extra work!
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